The Liver is Not a Fan of Heat
When the liver becomes over heated, we can experience headaches, hot
flushes, dizziness, vertigo, wooziness, insomnia, irritability and
mania. It's wise to know what foods or herbals create heat. Too much
coffee creates heat. Turmeric (the go-to pain remedy) is a hot herb,
as is CBD and marijuana.
Believe it or note, the ever popular pink salt creates heat as does
any red or orange vegetable such as peppers (they don't have to burn
your tongue).
If you are sensitive to heat or can't tolerate hot weather or the sun,
it's important to take care. Many massage therapists heat their
tables and if you happen to be one of those people where heat plays
havoc with your entire system, speak up and tell the practitioner to
turn it off! Why pay someone to give you a headache?
I teach my acupuncture patients how to take care of their livers--it
is the main chemical processing plant of the body. Whatever you take
in or even think, bypasses through the liver. The liver meridian
runs from the medial side of your big toe all the way up to your
brain. When you experience brain fog or a headache, look to the liver.
It's talking to you.
By the way, your liver is located right under and behind your right
rib cage. The gall bladder is right to the left of it. Just in case
you didn’t know.