Does Acupuncture hurt?

People ask me all the time: “Does acupuncture hurt?”

For most people, acupuncture does not hurt. I use hair-thin needles, and most people don’t feel much sensation at all during their treatments. The feeling is usually pleasant and allows them to let go and relax. Patients love coming to my clinic for acupuncture.

For those who simply do not like needles, I use an electrical stimulation device which is painless — and offers the same results. It is especially popular with children and the elderly.

In addition, I use other modalities, depending upon the needs of a person which include color and sound therapy.

Call now if you’re in or near Greensboro for a ten-minute free consultation to discuss whether or not we’re a good match. 336 676 4555 Alexis Rotella, Licensed Acupuncturist


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