Hey, Seniors

Are you a senior with unfilled dreams? I’m here to tell you it’s not too late to start anew. Dreams have no expiration date. What’s on your wish list? Do you want to learn to paint? Write your memoirs? Start a business? Get healthier? Lose weight?

All that’s standing in your way is your own thoughts.

As a seasoned individual myself, I can help you. I started acupuncture school at age 48 and there was a guy in my class who was 70! I’ll never forget him. I’m 76 with a lot more to do on my bucket list.

I’m a licensed acupunturist with a doctorate in hypnotherapy located in Greensboro, NC. I treat people of all ages including many seniors. I create a safe place for your personal growth, self discovery and transformation. Don’t you deserve to pursue the next chapter of your one and only precious life? 336 676 4555, 15-minute free complimentary phone or zoom call. IT’S NEVER TOO LATE!


